Career Journey

Career Journey is a process of goal setting that incorporates mentoring and self-reflection. Exploring behaviors and experiences across every job you’ve had. This process identifies your strengths, challenges, needs, and passions related to those previous job experiences. Together, the mentor and mentee establish opportunities for growth based on newfound insights.

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Download the 5 Secrets of a Great Mentor

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The path to a better career starts here.

Exploring Past Employment

Reflecting and identifying areas for growth and improvement.  Ultimately uncovering the recipe that makes doing your job something fulfilling and rewarding.

Read her Story

Identifying strengths, challenges, needs and passions

Focusing on strengths and passions, shedding less desirable qualities and overcoming obstacles. Placing all your self-reflection and insights in action.

Establishing goals for growth in the future

Establish opportunities for growth based on newfound insights.  Identify the actual tasks to implement in order to meet your goals. Empowering yourself for success.

Incorporating strengths, challenges, needs and passions into current role



Pave your new Path Today.

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Download the 5 Secrets of a Great Mentor

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